
While lately I have been more interested in Cybersecurity and Sysadmin work, I find myself constantly returning to programming projects as a hobby and entertaining way to pass the time. Below are some projects of mine that I would be more than happy to expand upon, even if the code isn't able to be publicized. Majority of my projects are stored in repos that are either private due to being closed source, or are hidden in the Keybase Git filesystem. Feel free to reach out to me via email or Keybase for information regarding any of my current or completed projects. There are even more projects that I either haven't thought to add, haven't thought to be relevant anymore, or just worked on briefly that I did not include in the lists below.

Current Projects

  • Research with @olmstea1 on affordable Enterprise Domain solutions for Small Businesses that could provide centralized login, email, and secure workstations.

  • GlassPorts: An App Store to revive Google Glass Explorer Edition with @jmason

  • GlassTesla: An Android application for Google Glass Explorer Edition to control/monitor a Tesla vehicle.

Completed or Terminated Projects

  • Med-Dimensions drop-in Enterprise Domain Solution using ProxmoxVE, Univention, FusionPBX, and other FOSS products!

  • BulkVS2Go: A library in Go for communicating with BulkVS REST APIs

  • FusionBulk: A service to connect FusionPBX to BulkVS for CallBreezy

  • AdaBot: A ChatBot for Keybase using OpenAI.

  • kbtui: A TUI for Keybase chat written in Go and using @dxb's Keybase bot framework.

  • NikolaNet: A web interface for interacting with Tesla vehicles written in C# using ASP.NET Razor Pages.

  • loggy: A logging library for Golang projects that supports logging to Standard Output, File, and Keybase.

  • mfprint: A PDF socket printer for IBM/Hercules Mainframe Systems written in Go and tested on TK4- via Hercules.

  • SpaceFace: A wallpaper utility for using NASA's astronomy pic of the day, written in Go.

  • NightmareCoreWeb2: A web interface for TrinityCore based on NightmareCoreWeb, however rewritten in C# using ASP.NET Razor Pages for more modern functionality.

  • StateJobsNYSubmit: A web interface to automate StateJobsNY applications in C# using ASP.NET Razor Pages

  • Tesla.NET: Tesla API Library written in C#

  • TeslaGo: Application written in Go using Qt to provide a desktop interface for Tesla Vehicles.

  • TeslaBot: Keybase bot written to provide a message interface for Tesla Vehicles.

  • Simple-TUI/Simple-GUI: Spinoff of kbtui's interface to be extensible using other frameworks (discord bot API, or others).

  • pgplockd: This program should be runnable as a systemd user service to periodically query the user's PGP key and lock the screen if the key is locked.

  • RSA-VDI: Single page launcher using Qt to launch VMWare Horizon, and store login details to KWallet.

  • PhasmoHelper: Fork of a web app written to help new players organize themselves in Phasmophobia.

  • RealmBot: Quick Discord bot to track World of Warcraft US Realm Status.

  • chessbot: Simple golang bot to allow Keybase users to play each other in a game of Chess using algebraic notation.

  • Minedall: Discord bot for SUNY Poly CS-Net's Minecraft server which enforced valid email verification of users, and Minecraft server moderation from Discord.

  • Thanos: Discord bot for partitioning unverified users from verified users using an unverified channel, and an admin channel where verifications can be manually processed.

  • Underland: Testing server- currently hosting Univention-Keybase, kbauth, and other Keybase Bot/Web projects.

  • keyrcbot: A Keybase bot to bridge IRC channels to a team.

  • keybase-emailbot A bot to send emails (with optional PGP encryption) via Keybase.

  • Curly-Octo-Barnacle: TrinityCore extension allowing Slack integration - Github chose the name, and I liked it - NightmareCore is a fork of this.

  • kbpybot: Another Keybase bot in Python3, designed to be extendable using modules for channels and for PM functions. The open-sourced core for @turinga below.

  • turinga: Keybase bot @turinga for managing SUNY Poly CS-Net functions for both Support and Administrators based on kbpybot.

  • Domain-Refresh: LDAP extension to archive and restore Univention Domain users as needed using UDM and a lot of tarballs.

  • CS-Net Refresh: Building, rebranding, and creating policy for a research network using recycled hardware from the former DogNet of SUNY IT.

  • NightmareCoreWeb: PHP app for TrinityCore to safely interact with the MySQL database to generate signup tokens, create accounts, and display online players.

  • NightmareCore: TrinityCore repack with Slack/Keybase and LDAP integration allowing in game and out of game interaction, and LDAP accounts. Using Go, and C++.

  • Univention-Keybase: Keybase proof integration for Univention domains. Attempting to use Docker Containers and a Python API.

  • MyLib: Multi-Platform Application for managing personal libraries, bookshelf inventory and loans. Using Kotlin, Swift, and Go.

  • keyabetic: Keybase bot to secure glucose readings in an encrypted database, with testing and meal reminders.

  • kbauth: Web authentication using Keybase/OTP as a part of Univention-Keybase.

  • WhoRU: Naemon/Nagios configuration builder using network scans to automatically discover hosts & determine who is on what network, with which ports open.

  • ReserveIt: Small business property management system to track reservations and accounting information.

  • Shortlinks: A named link shortening service, with trackable history and link ownership.

  • uChat: Universal chatting application using Bing* translator to allow users to communicate no matter their language (*Google required billing for testing APIs).

  • myMovies: Apple TV (4th Generation) application which allows for viewing local movies from a macOS device to an Apple TV without the use of iTunes.

  • SiriKu: Siri extension for Roku using the SiriKit Messaging Domain (Will eventually be updated to use the Media Domain Terminated).

  • SerialKraken: C project to generate serial numbers to be used for a reverse engineering class.